For more information on adult learning and training for different industries and areas of work go to Education.

Would you like to gain some more skills or confidence to help you get a job? There are services that can support you. Many of them offer work experience and volunteering opportunities. Volunteering is a great way to develop your skills, gain more experience and confidence and meet new people.

Connecting Opportunities supports new migrants in Leeds (and across West and North Yorkshire) to develop their skills and opportunities to find work and be part of the local community. It includes free training, English classes and support designed for individual needs.

Find out more on the Migration Yorkshire website.

Migration Yorkshire
0113 3788 700

MAP+ (Migrant Access Project Plus) offers opportunities to get involved in the local community, support other migrants, get references and practise your English. You will receive free training on many different topics including health, education, jobs, housing. You also get support to set up your own activities and enterprises. The project is delivered by Leeds charity Touchstone.

Find out more on the Touchstone website:

Migrant Access Project Plus
0113 2484880

RETAS (Refugee Education and Training Advice Service) helps refugees and asylum seekers in West Yorkshire to integrate through support and guidance with employment, education and training.

233-237 Roundhay Road, Leeds LS8 4HS
0113 380 5630

PATH Yorkshire provide information, guidance, one-to-one support, professional training, teacher training, support with starting your own business, networking, and free English/ESOL classes across Leeds.
PATH Yorkshire
PATH Yorkshire, 29 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton, Leeds, LS7 3PD
0113 262 4600

Existing Qualifications

You may already have qualifications from back home.

To find out which of these are recognised in the UK as equivalent to UK qualifications you should contact National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC)

National Academic Recognition Information Centre
0871 990 7033

There are also specialist organisations which help refugees with particular skills to pursue their careers in the UK:

Growing points is an independent charity who host a programme called Hidden Talents Leeds. They help refugees who want to work in the NHS to take up apprenticeships for healthcare support workers in Leeds Hospitals at a living wage. For more information look at their website:

Hidden Talents Leeds

CARA – provide help and support to exiled Academics. For more information look at their website:

Talking about your skills and qualifications when applying for jobs

If you want to get a job in the UK it’s important you know how to talk about your skills and experiences. Employers in the UK really value people who can talk about what they are good at.

When Employers are advertising work, they generally ask people looking for work (“candidates) to either

  • complete an application form or to
  • send in a CV

A CV is a list of all your qualifications and experiences. A good CV should include:

  • Information about your personal details e.g. name, address,
  • What skills you have,
  • Details of your qualifications,
  • Details of previous work experience and volunteering experience,
  • Your hobbies and interests,
  • Your references

It is important to adapt your CV to the job you are applying for, so that it shows how your skills and experience match what the employer is looking for.


Volunteering can be a good way to develop skills and gain experience and confidence. Most volunteering programmes will offer you proper support and training and money towards expenses.

You can also find volunteering opportunities in Leeds on the Doing Good Leeds website:

Volunteering Jobs at Doing Good Leeds

If you want to volunteer with refugee and asylum projects in Leeds you can also search for opportunities on the website:

Help in Leeds

Last Updated: 25 October 2019

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