You can usually either pay your bills monthly, or every three months. You can sometimes get cheaper bills if you pay by Direct Debit.

Some accommodation has a prepayment meter instead. This means you pay for your energy before you use it, either with a card or key which you ‘top up’ with credit (a bit like a pay as you go phones). Every time you use energy, you use some credit.

Prepayment meters can be useful because they can help you control what you spend more easily, but they can also be expensive if you use a lot of energy.

If you are struggling to pay your energy bill

If you don’t pay your bills on time, your energy supplier may cut off your gas or electricity, so it is important to ask for help if you are struggling.

If you get into debt with your energy bills, you must pay this debt as a priority. This means it is more important than paying debts like credit cards.

You should speak to your energy supplier or make an appointment to see an adviser at Citizens Advice Leeds. Both can help you find ways to pay off the debt.

Leeds Citizens Advice Bureau

31 New York St, Leeds LS2 7DT, Mondays to Fridays, 9am-4pm.
0113 223 4400, 9am – 5pm
Citizen’s Advice Leeds

You can also visit the Leeds Money Information Centre website and the national Money Advice Service website for online advice:

Leeds Money Information Centre
Money Advice Service

There are also schemes running in Leeds that can help you find affordable ways to make your home easier to keep warm or reduce your fuel bills or both. Find out more:

Energy Grants for Households

Find out more about getting support with money problems here:

Benefit and Debt Advice


Yorkshire Water is the water supplier for Leeds and unlike gas and electricity you cannot switch suppliers. But you do still need to set up an account when you move in. If your new property has a water meter, it is worth taking a reading and passing it on to the supplier as soon as you can, to make sure you only pay for what you owe.

You can set up your account by contacting Yorkshire Water:
0345 1 24 24 24
Set up Your Yorkshire Water Account

Other useful information

Here are some helpful tips to save money on water bills:

5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Your Water Bill

Last Updated: 3 January 2019

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