Use this page to find some of the most helpful websites and services where you can find extra help

Citizen’s Advice Leeds

Get independent face to face help or telephone advice on:

• Money
• Housing
• Employment
• Benefits
• Family problems
• Immigration law/visas

Citizens Advice Leeds

Faith Venues in Leeds

Locations and contact details for:

• Mosques
• Churches
• Gurudwaras in Leeds

Muslims in Britain
Network Leeds
World Gurudwaras

Free WiFi in Leeds

A map of Leeds City Council buildings where you can get free WiFi

Leeds Wi-Fi Map

Help in Leeds

An independent website listing all the groups and projects who help asylum seekers and refugees in Leeds. It will help you

• Find different community groups
• Find places that will offer you extra help or support

Help in Leeds

Job Centre Plus

A Government website that will help you to

• Look for work
• Access free training to help you get a job
• Claim benefits while you are looking for work

Job Centre Plus

Learning English in Leeds

A Local Government website that lists all the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses and classes in Leeds

Learning English in Leeds

Leeds Adult Learning

A Local Government website that will help you to find

• Education and training opportunities for adults in Leeds over age 19.
• Courses you can do for fun
• English, Maths and ESOL courses

Leeds Adult Learning

Leeds City Council

A Local Government website where you can find information on

• Activities and places to visit
• Benefits
• British citizenship
• Deaths, births, marriages
• Housing
• Information on schools, childcare
• Jobs
• Setting up your own business
• Social care
• Taxes

Leeds City Council

Leeds Pathways

A Local Government website where you can find

• Education and training opportunities for 13-25 year-olds in Leeds

Leeds Pathways

Mindwell (adults)
MindMate (children and young people)

Independent websites providing help and advice on how to look after your mental health, and how to get support if you want it.

Mindwell (for adults)
MindMate (for children and young people)

NHS Choices

A Government website explaining all aspects of the National Health Service (NHS)  including

• where to find GP practices, and dentists
• information on using health services in England
• general advice on health, medical conditions and healthy living

NHS Choices

One Stops and Community Hubs

A list of all the Local Government Neighbourhood Offices (sometimes called “One Stop Centres” or “Community Hubs”) where you can get help and advice with

• looking for work
• council tax bills
• housing issues
• benefits
• getting help and support for your family
• library services
• free internet access

One Stops and Community Hubs

Last Updated: 30 August 2022

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