If you have children, it is important to make sure their immunisations are up to date as they protect against serious diseases. Most immunisations are given when children are babies or before they start school, but there are also some which are given when they are teenagers.

Children’s immunisations

You can ask your GP practice about children’s immunisations. Remember to tell your GP if your children have already had any immunisations in their home country. Some of the immunisations are given at the GP practice, and some are done at the child’s school.

You can find out more about what immunisations children need on the NHS Choices website.

Immunisations for Children

Flu vaccinations are given automatically to children at nursery and school between the ages of 2 and 8. It is given as a spray up the nose so no injections are needed.

Adult vaccinations

Adults are also encouraged to get the flu vaccination during winter to help protect them and their family from the flu virus, particularly if they are at higher risk of complications if they become ill. These include: people over 65, pregnant women and people with a serious medical condition who all it get it for free from their GP practice.

For everyone else it costs around £20 and is offered by many of the bigger pharmacies.

You can find out more about flu vaccinations on the NHS Choices website:

Flu Vaccinations

The measles vaccination is one of the immunisations given to all children, but adults can have it too. Measles can be very dangerous and it spreads easily and quickly, so it’s important to have a vaccination if you are not up to date or are planning on travelling abroad. You can find out which countries have high numbers of cases of measles on the World Health Organisation website:

Which countries have high numbers of cases of measles?

Tuberculosis (TB) screening and vaccination is also a very important. TB is very common in some parts of the world, and can lead to death. It is recommended that everyone is tested for TB, so they can be treated, and to stop the disease from spreading. Testing is free and treatment is free.

The Tuberculosis (TB) Liaison Nursing team

For general enquiries relating to TB:

0113 843 4344 / 0113 392 2148
(Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm)

To arrange new arrival TB screening:

0113 843 4344

Last Updated: 29 June 2018